Chamber 12 - Snow

Chamber 12 - Snow was the first chamber on the left along the central corridor going down the middle of the main building, accessed from Chamber 10 - Crofton and led through to Chamber 20 - Red Delicious, with Chamber 11 - Five Crown opposite.

For most of the Packing House's operating history it has been inhabited by one dealer, although they have changed their focus somewhat throughout the years.

Antiques and Old Lace was the dealer, and initially they traded in antique furniture, which progressed into antique furniture and posters with the posters mostly inhabiting the neighbouring Chamber 13 - William

Then as the 2010s progressed the furniture made way for more posters, and then movie memorabilia and comics.

In the early 2000s it was repainted from the blue and cream which had been the default colour for the internal chambers in 1993 to a light plum coloured paint.

Note: Images have dates written in YEAR-MONTH-DAY format, as there is a mix of mediums of images with some having more exact dates than others. 

More information

  • This was one of the most trafficked chambers, simply owing to its position as the first along the main corridor that led to Chamber 27 - Golden Delicious (the café, and the toilets contained within).

  • There was a window that once looked into the garden in the middle, and brought some natural light into this space.

  • This is chamber, the neighbouring Chamber 13 - William and the nearby Chamber 17 - Winter Cole and Chamber 18 - Winter Nelis are some of the few chambers with a full false ceiling. During the initial renovation of the Packing House the ceiling was deemed to be in too bad a condition to repair it, or have it on display, thus a false ceiling was hung.

  • In 2015 as part of the transition from furniture to a focus on movie memorabilia Silver Screen added a red carpet through this chamber leading into Chamber 13 - William to further guide and to entice people to explore the neighbouring chamber.


Chamber 13 - William


Chamber 11 - Five Crown