Chamber 9 - Jonathon

Chamber 9 - Jonathon was located behind the front counter (and its office) and was the intersection of two paths.

It was the through path of the central corridor of the north-south corridor running through the main bulk of the building to Chamber 1 - Tycos and Chamber 12 - Snow, and there was also the path that led to Chamber 8 - Democrat

From the late 1990s through to January 2015 this space was occupied by Jill Anderson a dealer who sold antique kitchen furniture and recycled timber furniture.

Floors recovered in vinyl. 2015-02-03

In February 2015 Wendy Morrison moved from Chamber 4 - Newton to this chamber, ahead of her move the floors were recovered in a kitchen tiles vinyl to give the space a more vintage aesthetic.

Wendy Morrison traded in this area until Sunday the 23rd April 2017 when she ceased trading at the Packing House.

In 2017 this chamber was then taken on by Sheila Martland who began a process of consolidating some of the spaces she had around the Packing House. Exiting from a section of Chamber 21 - Pippin and Chamber 16 - Beurre Bosc

In August 2019 a doorway was cut between the front counter office and this chamber so Sheila Martland and her associate could better monitor this area, and also man and monitor the front counter.

In September 2019, Sheila Martland exited from a section of Chamber 1 - Tycos (a space she had held since 1993) and moved into only this chamber. She maintained this chamber until she left the Packing House on 13th February 2022.

Throughout 2022 the space saw a variety of uses for a few dealers to display mirrors and other unusually odd shaped items, then in 2023 Packing House Sweets also took on some of the space to display their wares along with the Pet Shed Tyabb.

Note: Images have dates written in YEAR-MONTH-DAY format, as there is a mix of mediums of images with some having more exact dates than others.

More information

Screenshot: Postcards © 2007, Nine Network

Other obscurities

Front Counter | Front office | Lay-by room | Internal phone system | Fire and emergency systems | Power, Heating and Cooling


Chamber 10 - Crofton


Chamber 8 - Democrat