Chamber 21 - Pippin

Chamber 21 - Pippin was somewhat of an intersectional chamber. It sat between Chamber 20 - Red Delicious and Chamber 22 - Broom Park, but also the ramp that led down to Chamber 18 - Winter Nelis, and it was one of the main accesses to Chamber 26 - Sheppards Delight (the long corridor looking out to the car park). Additionally the emergency exit door in Chamber 26 was also utilised by several dealers around this space to bring in items, making this chamber quite a thoroughfare.

It was also another of the complicated spaces at the Packing House owing in part to its 'middle walkthrough' status it had been mostly divided into three sections throughout much of the Packing House's history.

Long space against Chamber 22 wall. (Photo: 2022-06-16)

Essentially there were three areas; the space located overlooking the 'garden in the middle' area and space leading to the ramp down to Chamber 18.

The long space leading to Chamber 26, which was against the wall of Chamber 22.

The square enclosed room in the other corner of the space, against the wall of Chamber 20.

The square enclosed room (Photo: 2020-11-06)

From 1993 through to September 2019 the space overlooking the 'garden in the middle' was held by Maas Antiques, who also held Chamber 23 - Statesman for that period.

Following this in October 2020 The Cheshire Cat took on this space, selling chalk paint, stencils, stamps, transfers & decorative finishes, bespoke furniture, gifts, decor and other "vintage, magical and creative" items. 

They vacated this space in July 2021, moving into Chamber 23 - Statesman.

After this the space became used by various dealers such as Items of Interest and Peter French Antiques to showcase some of their lesser-seen items for a new audience.

Overlooking garden in the middle (Photo: 2019-09-25)

Then in 2022 when Morgan & Griffin took ownership of Tyabb Packing House it became available for rent, however these dealers continued to use this space.

The long space leading to Chamber 26 had been utilised by a furniture and small items dealer Michael Greet through the 1990s. From the mid-2000s Items of Interest, also known as John Virtanen Fine Art occupied this space.

The square enclosed room against the wall of Chamber 20 and Chamber 26 was also utilised by Items of Interest, until mid-2009 when Dogs Republic joined this space, sharing the floor space with Items of Interest while the art work remained on the walls.

When in 2010 Dogs Republic moved to the larger Chamber 5 - Brammley, Sheila Martland moved some of her items into this space. 

In April 2017, Sheila Martland consolidated her spaces / items to Chamber 9 - Jonathon, moving out of this space.  

Into this space The Wren Collection moved in 2017, they had been in a section of Chamber 8 - Democrat, specialising in an eclectic mix of both new and vintage treasures. By August 2019 The Wren Collection had ceased trading at the Packing House. 

Through until late 2019 the space remained un-leased, and was used by Sheila Martland as overflow sale space for items that did not fit into Chamber 9 - Jonathon.

In January 2020 Karingal Hub Pets opened a pop-up store within this space. Unfortunately due to the lockdowns that were frequent during the COVID-19 era in 2020, by the latter part of the year they had vacated their pop-up store at the Packing House. 

In the latter portion of 2020 Antique By Design had taken up this space.

Then in August 2021 David Calleja Trading took on this space, having briefly had Chamber 16 - Beurre Bosc.

Note: Images have dates written in YEAR-MONTH-DAY format, as there is a mix of mediums of images with some having more exact dates than others.

More information

  • This chamber had an internal phone mounted on the wall between this chamber and Chamber 20 - Red Delicious, could be used to contact the Front Counter.

  • This chamber featured in a 2003 episode of Seven’s “The Great Outdoors”.

  • In 2007 this chamber featured on Nine Network’s “Postcards”, which featured dealer John Virtanen being interviewed.

Door with ‘No Exit’ sign on it (Photo: 2014-09-19)

  • This chamber had one of three ramps that could be used to access Chamber 27 - Golden Delicious (the café), here via Chamber 18 - Winter Nelis. The others were located from Chamber 13 - William and Chamber 26 - Emporer.

  • This area overlooked the ‘garden in the middle’, and had once had stairs down into the garden area with a door. During the 2015 renovation of the garden space the stairs were removed.

    • Despite this space being roofed in during that renovation, and the door not actually leading anywhere, it was still necessary to put a ‘no exit’ sign on the door, as visitors to the Packing House still attempted to utilise the door.

External links

Other obscurities

Front Counter | Front office | Lay-by room | Internal phone system | Fire and emergency systems | Power, Heating and Cooling


Chamber 22 - Broom Park


Chamber 20 - Red Delicious